Status Bar

Last updated on Sep 23, 20242 mins read

The status bar contains a lot of useful basic information that you should keep in mind while working, or even in helping you diagnose any problems you run into operating M360. Let’s get familiarized with it:

  • User: Starting on the left, you can see what account you are logged into. If this account name has the crown symbol next to it, then it is a manager account:

    • Help Tooltips: M360 comes with an in-app help system, by offering clarifying texts and hints when you hover over most features. You can disable or enable these by pressing this toggle button.
    • Blacklist Checks: This number is your currently available blacklist check amounts. If you run out, you will be unable to perform any more of them. To purchase more, head over to [link?]
    • Manual Check: Pressing this button opens up a menu for manually inputting IMEI values, allowing you to check them without having to connect devices. Within this menu you can also find your history of all blacklist checks you have performed, including their results.
    • Status Checker: This indicator shows whether the main functionality of M360 is functional or not. Its colour varies between Green, Yellow, and Red to show the current status of the application. Clicking it opens a menu displaying each function separately, alongside descriptions explaining the current status of each. The colour codes mean the following:
      • Green: This functionality is fully operational
      • Yellow: Something may be wrong, or you have not yet taken a recommended action
      • Red: There is an error or major issue