Build trust in the
used device market

Fully functional
Battery health
Blacklist check
OEM parts check
Cosmetic Grading
Certified Erasure
Start for Free
M360 Used Device Certification ReportM360 Used Device Certification Report

Security & quality

M360 scales with your team, ensuring industry-standard security and compliance.

M360: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, GSMA, R2, ADISAM360: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, GSMA, R2, ADISA

Buy & sell with confidence

The all-in-one M360 Certification unique to each device available locally or via the cloud.

Device model & identifiers

M360 Certification reports deliver a clear and engaging summary that captures attention.

Device history check

Share essential details like IMEI, device origin, security features, blacklist status and more.

Diagnostic results

Deliver insights into device functionality and performance. Display all results in a structured, easy-to-read M360 Certification.

Device grading

Utilise M360’s built-in grading features to ensure transparency and build confidence when buying, selling, or trading smartphones.

Maximise value with M360 Certifications

Certify devices with confidence and give your customers the assurance they need.
M360 Used Device Certification Report

Increase resale value

M360 Certified devices sell faster
and help capture higher sales values.

Boost consumer trust

Our surveys show that 92.7% of
customers prefer certified used

Reduce return rates

With M360 diagnostic solutions,
clients experience device return
rates of 2% or less.

M360 Used Device Certification Report

Start Certifying with
M360 Diagnostics Now

Used Device
Used Device