August 24, 2023

Combine Sessions & Device Identification

Version 1.4.2
New FeaturesDesktop App

Combine Sessions

Do you perform diagnostics, grading, or wiping at various times? No worries! Now you have the flexibility to merge multiple work sessions (up to 4) into a new, virtual session that can be exported just like your regular sessions. This feature enables you to seamlessly integrate yesterday's testing with today's grading, ensuring that all relevant information is available within the same certification or label. To create a combined session, simply access your History, select (checkbox) a minimum of 2 work sessions, and click the "Combine Sessions" button located at the top.

Device Identification

Our device identification feature helps you quickly identify connected devices by displaying an information panel on their screens. You can customise the trigger actions and its displayed content in Settings/Device Identification. For example, with just a single click, you can have all devices on your desk display their IMEIs or serial numbers via barcodes or QR codes. And it's all configurable!

Our mobile application is available on Apple's App Store, Google Play and Huawei's AppGallery as a free download!

What's Improved
• A summary of failed tests now available as a labeling option
• The battery drain test result is also available for labels now
• The microphones test for Apple devices now returns standardised microphone names

What's Fixed
• We no longer attempt to auto-install apps on non-activated devices
• Various other bugfixes