November 18, 2021

Public Release 24

Version 1.2.3
New FeaturesDesktop App

Activation & Setup for Android devices
Now you can quickly activate Android devices and skip the setup screens! It helps to prepare brand new, or factory reset devices for testing. This procedure requires wifi connection with internet, so make sure you have your SSID and the wifi password saved in our settings. You can find the "Activate Android Device" button on the home (devices) screen, this feature doesn't require an active USB connection.

Xiaomi Special Install
If the app install fails due to manufacturer, or custom OS restrictions, now we can upload the Android app to the device's "Download" folder so you can easily install it from there.

What’s improved
• iOS battery health shows as percentage

What’s fixed
• Fixed iOS activation for iPads
• Fixed a bug related to wipe reports
• Various crash causing bug fixes