February 27, 2024

Batch Manager: Manage and Group Large Numbers of Devices

Version 1.4.13
New FeaturesDesktop App

Batch Manager

Introducing our latest major feature: the Batch Manager, a powerful tool designed for efficiently handling and grouping together large volumes of devices! A batch can be set up through your dashboard, which will act as a container that can be opened and closed within the application. Any device connected while a batch is open is automatically added to it, and assigned a Custom ID/SKU based on the settings you chose in your dashboard. With the newly added batch filter in your History, you can effortlessly export reports, labels, or CSV-formatted data for an entire batch with just a few clicks. Check out our 60-second video showcasing the Batch Manager: https://youtube.com/shorts/WuTf3_HQMRk

What’s improved:
- CSV exports now contain the URLs to reports for each device
- All overlay menus, such as the Export Window and the Manual Phone menu, have been refurbished
- During the export process, you can now see not only the number of sessions, but the number of unique phones you have selected

What’s fixed:
- A few rare Android crashes
- Other minor issues