Device Expenses
Located on the Device Information screen, under the 'Device Expenses' tab, you can utilise this feature to monitor all device-related expenditures. Record purchase costs, current asking prices, past sold prices, and any additional expenses with ease. Using all entered data, M360 calculates your total cost and profit/loss. You can change your currency settings in Settings/General. You can check in this article how it works.
Device Photos (Grading)
Now, you can upload 8 photos for any connected device using the new "Photos" tab on the Grading screen. Soon we will release an update to make them appear in your online reports as well. Here is an article about our Grading options.
Help Tooltips
We've added a "Help Tooltips" switch in the bottom status bar. When activated, M360 displays tooltips as you hover over specific elements. Rest assured, we will continuously add new tooltips to enhance the experience.
What else is new:
- Added currency settings for Device Expenses in Settings/General
- Added an accuracy threshold setting for the automated GPS test