August 4, 2023

You spoke, we listened!

Version 1.4.1
New FeaturesDesktop App

• Reintroduced the option to grade the display (LCD) and the case as well
• Added choice between lite (X shape) and full-screen touchscreen tests in Settings/Diagnostics
• Tests now run in template order (configurable in Settings/Diagnostics)
• Enabled skipping full-screen test start screens (Settings/Diagnostics)
• Increased touch test timeouts
• Custom templates sync with the app after the first PC connection (available on the Diagnostics screen)
• Added option to force automated or manual Speaker and Microphone tests (Settings/Diagnostics)
• Added notification sounds for completed drain test
• Fixed missing battery health value bug on labels and reports (Android)
• Resolved bug in Android drain test showing incorrect percentage after completion